Domov > Tujerodne vrste > Tujerodne rastline > Kudzu
IZVOR: Vzhodna Azija
POTI VNOSA: okrasna rastlina, rastlina za preprečevanje erozije
OBDOBJE CVETENJA: avgust – sepetember
OPIS: Hitrorastoča ovijalka, ki lahko zraste do 30 cm na dan. Je vzpenjavka; če ni vertikalne opore, se plazeče razrašča po tleh. Listi so dlanasto sestavljeni iz 3 lističev, od kateri je zgornji trikrp, stranska pa sta dvo- ali trikrpa. Lističi so spodaj in po robu dlakavi. Cvetovi so združeni v pokončna, do 15 cm dolga socvetja. Cvetovi so vijoličasti do rdeči, z rumeno piko pri dnu zgornjih venčnih listov. Plod je do 8 cm dolg strok, ki je gosto prekrit z dlačicami. Korenina je gomolj. Razmnožuje se večinoma vegetativno. Na steblih so kolenca, iz katerih izraščajo vitice, s katerimi se lahko rastlina v stiku s tlemi ukorenini.
HABITAT: Gorski gozdovi, gozdni robovi ruderalna rastišča.
STATUS: Pri nas za zdaj najdbi na dveh lokacijah, ki izvirata iz preteklega gojenja oziroma sajenja. V Evropi je redko podivjana, a v podnebno primerljivih predelih jugovzhodnega dela Severne Amerike zelo invazivna.
PODOBNE VRSTE: Po načinu rasti in obliki cvetov je podoben gojeni navadni fižol (Phaseolus vulgaris), vendar lističi niso deljeni in so le rahlo dlakavi. Cvetovi so združeni v rahla socvetja, različnih barv, brez rumene lise v notranjosti cveta.
VIRI: Terenski priročnik za prepoznavanje tujerodnih vrst v gozdovih, druga dopolnjena izdaja
Home > Alien species in Slovenia > Alien plants > Kudzu
NATIVE RANGE: East Asia (China, Korea, Japan)
PATHWAYS: horticulture, experimental use for prevention of erosion
POSSIBLE TO FIND: year-round
DESCRIPTION: A fast-growing climbing vine, which can grow up to 30 cm per day. It can climb over trees and other vertical structures but in the absence of these, it trails over the ground. Leaves are palmately compound with three leaflets, of which the terminal leaflet is three-lobed, while the side leaflets are two or three-lobed. Leaflets have pillose undersides and edges. Purple to red flowers are borne in upright clusters, up to 15 cm long, and have a yellow spot at the base of upper petals. The fruit is an up to 8 cm, densely pillose pod. It has a strong, perennial taproot and mainly reproduces vegetatively via stolons (runners) which root at the nodes.
HABITAT: Montane forests, forest edges, ruderal habitats.
STATUS: Found locally in Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Russia. In Slovenia, first found in 2017 and 2018 in two locations in the Primorska region.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) has a similar growth habit, but its leaflets are not palmately compound and have only a few hairs. Its red, pink or white flowers are borne in loose clusters and don’t have a yellow patch in the centre.
SOURCE: Field Guide to Invasive Alien Species in European Forests
NOTE: this species is included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern (the Union list) of Regulation (EU) 1143/2014. The species included on the Union list are subject to restrictions and measures set out in the Regulation. These include restrictions on keeping, importing, selling, breeding and growing. Member States are required to take action on pathways of unintentional introduction, to take measures for the early detection and rapid eradication of these species, and to manage species that are already widely spread in their territory.